PhotographerRyosuke Makita
Ryosuke Makita brings his unique artistry to fashion, advertising and celebrity photography.
Born in Yokohama, Japan, Ryosuke Makita’s fascination with photography began at an early age. He moved to Italy in his twenties to pursue his career and in 2002 joined Atomo Management, an international creative representative agency in Milan. Based in Tokyo from 2004, he is a multi-faceted artist with extensive experience in a wide array of fields and outstanding communication skills (Japanese, English, Italian).
Eager to look beyond Italy and Japan, Makita is now concentrating his efforts on diverse markets.
Fotografo, Direttore di fotografia, Direttore Creativo
Ryosuke Makita apporta la sua cifra artistica a servizi di moda, campagne commerciali e ritratti di celebrità.
Nato a Yokohama, Giappone, Makita inizia fin da giovanissimo a nutrire un profondo interesse per il mondo della fotografia. Trasferitosi in Italia all’inizio dei suoi vent’anni per perseguire la sua carriera, nel 2002 entra a far parte di Atomo Management, agenzia milanese di livello internazionale per talenti creativi. Artista multiforme con ampia esperienza in molteplici campi e con ottime doti di comunicazione (giapponese, inglese, italiano), dal 2004 basa la sua attività a Tokyo.
LUMO management は、日本、アジア、そして世界で活躍しているフォト/ビデオグラファー、スタイリスト、ヘアーメイクアップアーティストなどが所属をするマネージメント事務所です。撮影や制作に関するキャスティングやロケーションコーディネート、その他プロダクション業務も行なっております。海外に3DCG制作、フォトレタッチの部門も持っており、様々な面においてクライアントの思い描くイメージを具現化するお手伝い致します。
LUMO management is a Representative officer for Photographers, Make-Up Artists, Hair Stylists, and Stylists they work at not only Japan as well as Asia, and all over the world. Also, we take varies of shooting projects such as Castings, Location coordinates, and Productions. We have Photo retouching division and 3DCG creating division overseas.
東京都千代田区岩本町2-5-12 ユニゾ岩本町ビル2F
2-5-12-2F Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032
TEL 03-5809-2412 FAX 03-5823-8062